
Lian_Yu writeup

TryHackMe- Lian_YU : A beginner level security challenge

Link to THM Room : Lian_Yu


  • Port scanning: nmap
  • Directory fuzzing: gobuster
  • Decoding: cyberchef(mentioned in room as well)
  • Steganography: steghide, hexedit
  • Sudo abuse for Privilege Escilation

Let’s hack !!!

  • nmap to view ports running on the system:

nmap -sC -sV -Pn -oN lian 10.10.x.x

We have web server running on Port 80, let’s take a glance

Nothing interesing here or in source code.

  • Let’s fire Gobuster to find some directories:

./gobuster dir -u http://10.10.x.x -w /your_path_to_directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

found : /island

We have hit on a directory, /island, let’s visit the directory we found on the website running and check source code to see if we can find some hints.

Vigilante don’t know what it is for, still copy it in a file might come in handy later.

Now since the directory we found (/island) earlier had (Status: 301), let’s run gobuster to find other directories in it.

./gobuster dir -u http://10.10.x.x/island -w /your_path_to_directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

Oh a hit on 4-digit number directory here, well this answers our 2nd question

After viewing the directory and it’s code, we can find a note or potential hint here.

Much of a file exists with a .ticket extention, hmmm

Well let’s run gobuster again to find the hidden file with .ticket extention

./gobuster dir -u http://10.10.x.x/island/(4-digit_directory) -w /your_path_to_directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x .ticket

(Check the gobuster help page to see -x flag use if you don’t know)

This directory name is the answer to the 3rd question.

Quickely viewing the .ticket directory, we find a block of string. Interesting !

Well the string is potentially a password to something, and it’s encoded. Let’s Decode it.

  • Cyberchef to decode

quick hint the sting is Base58 encoded

This is definately a password, but to what??

Well let’s try FTP

Remember we found Vigilante, it’s a username of some kind. Let’s use it for FTP login with the password we decoded.

  • ftp 10.10.x.x

What do we know, logged in.

Enumerate here : ls -l

Let’s get those image files, hopefully can get some answers with steghide etc.

get Leave_me_alone.png

get Queen’s_Gambit.png

get aa.jpg

(the get filename downloads the file from ftp server)

Open the files… Oh! hit an error trying to open Leave_me_alone.png

let’s check this file

file Leave_me_alone.png

Leave_me_alone.png: data

Fishy right? Checking the file siganture or magic number of this .png file, the first few bytes have been modified which resulted the error we encountered.

xxd Leave_me_alone.png | head

00000000: 5845 6fae 0a0d 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452 XEo………IHDR

The file’s magic number is incorrect.

Well Google to find the right magic number or just check the magic number of the another .png file we have Queen’s_Gambit.png, cause this file did pop up right.

*xxd “Queen’s_Gambit.png” head*

Comparing these two we can make necessary changes to make the corrupt file right.

For reader convinence correct magic number for .png file is : 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A

  • hexeditor to bake some magic code:

hexedit Leave_me_alone.png

Now after we fix the magic number, it is viewable, make sure though

file Leave_me_alone.png

Leave_me_alone.png: PNG image data, 845 x 475, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlace

Found password

Well i found this password is not for SSH, so moving ahead to find more hints. Certainly we have 2 more images to look upon.

-steghide: we have a .jpg file so let’s check it.

using password as passphrase for steghide.

steghide extract -sf aa.jpg

wrote extracted data to “ss.zip”.

Got a zip file ss.zip. Unzip and check the file.

unzip ss.zip

Now we have two more files. Checked passwd.txt and here’s a Note, but did’t find it useful. But feel free to check might get something.

Checked shado and there’s a string.

A password_string, now this is certainly the password for ssh, but I don’t have a user. Maybe I missed something…

Going back to ftp 10.10.x.x

ls cd .. ls

Now here’s another user with Vigilante, can’t cd into this another user, so maybe try ssh with this user.

ssh (another_user)@10.10.x.x

password in shado

OMG! We’re in… The user flag is lying here.

ls cat user.txt

  • Privilege Escilation:

Following tradition, check current user has sudo permissions.

sudo -l

*User may run the following commands on LianYu: (root) PASSWD: /usr/bin/pkexec*

User has permission to run /usr/bin/pkexec

As a linux nerd, just check the manual for pkexec

man pkexec

Hmmm, great! The pkexec allows users to execute commands as other users.

Now let’s just abuse pkexec to spawn a root shell:

sudo /usr/bin/pkexec /bin/bash (/bin/bash shell is generally spawned as root)

Success!!! In as root

ls cat root.txt

Alas!!! Found the root.txt Pretty basic and fun machine.

Thank you for reading. B)